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Featured Products

Diamond Engagement Rings

Diamond Bridal Sets/Bands

Diamond Anniversary Rings

Diamond Fashion Rings

Diamond Necklaces

Diamond Earrings and Bracelets

Fashion Gemstone Jewelry
Rings, Necklaces and Earrings

Gold Jewelry
Rings, Necklaces and Earrings

Silver Jewelry - Ancient Roman Glass
Roman Glass jewelry is made of fragments of ancient hand-blown glass objects recovered in archaeological sites in Israel, each piece varies in shape, thickness and color. Every piece is one-of-a-kind.

Silver Jewelry - Necklaces

Silver Jewelry - Earrings

Silver Jewelry - Bracelets

Citizen and Seiko

Alternative Metal Jewelry

Real roses carefully selected for quality and shape. Lacquered and then electroformed and finished with 24K gold.

Family Jewelry
ArtCarved Celebrations of Life; Mommy CHIC Collection